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Zoom Trick Worm

Zoom Trick Worm

Regular price $6.19 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.19 USD
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Fishing the floating worm technique is a fun and effective way to catch post spawn fish or bass suspended in brush or other cover. The Zoom Trick Worm works wonders for these fishing conditions. The bright, clear colors bring savage strikes as the Trick Worms drift and twitch in front of bad-tempered bass. Try them rigged 'straight' or Tex-posed without any weight. Wacky rig them and twitch them quickly with short strokes for a lively looking presentation. Try them on a Carolina-rig when you want long, swooping slow-fall drifts from your bait. Any way you fish them you're sure to be satisfied with the performance of the Zoom Trick Worm.

Peter T used the Zoom Trick worm on a Carolina rig to catch a majority of his fish during his "Day On The Lake" in the recent Bassmaster. He also uses a Zoom Finnese Worm and a Norman DD22.

Length Quantity
6.5" 20
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